Visiting the Punxsutawney Alliance Church

1307 South Main Street Ext. | Punxsutawney, PA. 15767 | 814.938.8505

9:00 -10:10 AM
1. Preschool
    room 133
2. Children grades K-6th grade
    room 122
3. Youth grades 7th-12th
    room 126
4. Adults
    rooms 103, 105, 112, 131
Held in the fall and in the spring
Call (814) 938-8505 for more information.
1. Good News Club (affiliated with Child Evangelism Fellowship)  room 135
    ages 3-K & 1st-6th grade
2. Youth Group   room 126
     grades 7-12
3. Adult 12 Nights Groups   rooms 105 & 112
Other ministries include:
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
Wednesday Evening Praise and Prayer
Facebook Live Friday Devotionals
Dorcas Group
Great Commission Women
Missions Mobilizers
*Please call 814-938-8505 for more information or to schedule a one-on-one visit.

The Information Window

The Information Window, located in the lobby of the Sanctuary, is the place where our attendees and visitors connect.  If you are new, come to the Information Window to find out more about Punxsutawney Alliance Church.  You can also register for events, volunteer to serve in one of our many ministries, or update personal information here.


The upper level parking lot allows for easy access to the Sanctuary via a walkway directly to the front doors.  The lower level parking lot also has access to the Sanctuary, plus the adult and children’s Sunday school rooms, The Fireside Room, and The Family Life Center.


Sunday school begins at 9:00 AM for children and adults. Greeters at each entrance will be able to assist you in placing your children in the appropriate class for their ages/ grades.  A nursery (up to 2 years of age) is also available in the upper level of the church during the Sunday school hour. Children ages 2 years through high school meet in the lower level of the church.  NOTE: A staffed nursery is unavailable at this time. We have designated an unstaffed nursery room for your convenience.

Sunday Morning Worship Service

We combine traditional and contemporary elements during each service through music, drama, video, special music, and the pastor’s message.  Children (ages 3- 3rd grade) are dismissed for Children’s church at 10:45AM, where they can have their own age appropriate worship service.


Complete Facility Map & Class Registry


Frequently Asked Questions


What do people wear?

People dress in different styles ranging from very casual to suits and ties.  Our focus is not on what a person wears, but on whether people connect with God and others.


How often is communion?

We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.  All believers are welcome to participate.


What is the Benevolent Fund?

Donations to the Benevolent Fund are used to assist those with urgent needs. Monetary donations are received on the first Sunday of each month either during or after the Worship Service.  All donations are voluntary.